"Keri transformed individual items into works of art. Beautiful job!"

Theresa {Bluffton High School Senior Session}

Theresa is going places. Literally! She loves to travel and traveling is one of her top priorities when she's done with high school. Also, she might possibly be the first woman president of the United States. I said it! I'm on record!

She loves golf and tennis, she loves hanging out with her friends, she loves her family. I was touched by the bond she has with her mom and her close-knit family. Her idea to have some pictures taken including the quilt made from her grandmother's favorite tshirts (a lot of which were from places they traveled together!) was so precious.

Theresa is a gem:  She's funny, witty, beautiful, smart, and feisty. I'm honored to have her as one of my senior representatives and I'm so glad to have seen her heart and fire, even in the short amount of time we had together.

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